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Legal Notice & Terms of Use


The website bocabronx,, hereinafter referred to as the "Website," is offered to you under certain conditions of use, defining the entire relationship between you and the Website.
These terms of use are defined below, and the mere use and/or consultation of this Website implies, automatically and unconditionally, your full and complete acceptance of all of its terms of use. These apply to the entire Website. Non-compliance with these legal notices may result in legal action.
The Website reserves the right to modify these legal notices at any time, without notice or any compensation. Therefore, we advise you to consult them regularly.

License of Use:

The editor grants the User a personal license to use the Website and the Applications, as well as their services, revocable, non-transferable, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and free of charge, on the information consulted on the Website.

Access and Use of Information & Applications:

The equipment and material means allowing access to the Website or Applications are the exclusive responsibility of the User. The User also bears the communication costs incurred to access and consult the Website or Applications. The Editor grants the User the right to consult, use, and access the Information on the Website. In this regard, the User undertakes, in particular:

  • to verify that the computer configuration used does not contain any viruses and is in perfect working order;
  • to download the Information to their equipment only for personal, non-commercial, and limited-time use;
  • to copy the Information on paper only subject to the following three conditions:
    • that these copies are for personal use only;
    • that the reproduced documents are not modified or altered in any way;
    • that the source is clearly mentioned, for example, in the form of "This document comes from the Website Reproduction rights reserved and strictly limited." The address of the Website must be explicitly stated in the reference;
  • not to copy all or part of the Website or Applications to another Website or an internal company network;
  • not to reproduce or summarize the digital version of the Information on the Website for review or press overview purposes without the prior written consent of bocabronx and the Editor;
  • not to reproduce, summarize, modify, alter, move, remove, replace, or rebroadcast, without the prior written authorization of the Editor, the editorial content of the Information and/or the distinctive signs of the Editor;
  • not to extract or reuse, including for private purposes, without the prior written authorization of the Editor, a substantial or non-substantial part of the content of the databases and archives constituted by the Website;
  • not to set up hyperlinks from the Website without the prior written permission of the Editor, whose authorization can be requested with the prior clarification of the nature of the concerned website(s), either by email: via our contact form, or by postal mail by sending your request to bocabronx - Communication Department - - -.
  • not to set up systems that are likely or nature to hack the Website or the Applications in whole or in part or nature to violate these Terms of Use;
  • to inform the Editor as soon as knowledge of a "hack" and in particular any illicit or non-contractual use of the Information, regardless of the mode of distribution used;
  • be liable to engage the responsibility of the Editor or its partners by proposing hyperlinks leading to illicit content;
  • more broadly, contain content likely to infringe laws or regulations.

Account Creation:

Access to certain sections of the Website requires the User to register in the "Registration" section available on the Website. By registering, the User expressly and unreservedly acknowledges and accepts these Terms of Use. These Terms of Use constitute a contractual agreement between the User and the Editor. In case of refusal, the User undertakes not to use or access the Website, Applications, and their services. To register, the User must have reached the legal age of majority and/or have the capacity to enter into a contract within the meaning of the law, and have accepted these Terms of Use without any reservation. Registration on behalf of a legal entity is only possible by a capable adult person with the necessary powers to bind and engage that legal entity. The User provides the Editor with the required personal information. By filling out the registration form, the User guarantees to the Editor that they have provided accurate, truthful, up-to-date, and complete information regarding their identity and contact details. The User undertakes in particular to provide an effective email address of which they are the owner. The Editor reserves the right, for any serious and objective reason, to suspend the account if the information provided during the account creation is objectively false and receives no correction from the User. The reason can only be communicated upon prior request from the User. The user agrees to create only one account corresponding to their profile. The User is solely responsible for any use that may be made of their login (email address) and password, and solely guarantees their confidentiality, as well as any use of their account.

The User undertakes to regularly update all information concerning their profile to preserve its accuracy. In the event that the User provides objectively false, inaccurate, outdated, or incomplete data, the Editor has the right to suspend or terminate the User's account and deny them access to all or part of the Website in the future. The User agrees to immediately inform the Editor of any unauthorized use of their account and any breach of the confidentiality and security of their identification means on the form.

In the event that the User forgets their password or encounters difficulties in accessing their account, they have the option to request the deletion of their account by sending an email via our contact form:

The Editor also reserves the right to close, without notice, the account of a User for any objective and justified reason notified in advance to the User by any means (email or registered mail), particularly if the User has violated applicable laws, including criminal laws, or those aimed at protecting the rights of a third party, or if their conduct has harmed the interests of any person, including the Editor or any company having a legal connection with the Editor, or the use of the Website by another User.

The Editor reserves the right to deactivate a User's account after a period of total inactivity of their account equal to or exceeding one year. However, the User will have the option to reactivate their account upon express request to the Editor.

Intellectual Property:

The use of this Website does not grant you any rights. These rights remain the exclusive property of bocabronx and its potential partners. Therefore, all texts, photos, videos, data, posters, logos, trademarks, and other elements reproduced on this Website are reserved and protected by intellectual property law, including copyright, neighboring rights, and trademark rights. Accordingly, and in accordance with the Intellectual Property Code, only use for private purposes within a family circle is authorized. Any other use constitutes infringement and/or infringement of neighboring rights, sanctioned by said Code. Consequently, you may not, in any way or manner, reproduce, represent, distribute, market, modify, grant all or part of any of the elements reproduced on the Website and all or part of the Website in general, without the prior and express agreement of bocabronx. Any unlawful use of all or part of the Website (hacking, counterfeiting, etc.) may result in legal action.

Personal Data:

The data collected on the Website remains confidential and is solely reserved for internal use by bocabronx, responsible for its processing. They are kept for a maximum period of 10 years and cannot be communicated or transferred to third parties under any circumstances. In accordance with the "Information and Freedom" law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to data processing, files, and freedoms, you have the right to access, rectify, and delete information about you. This right of access can be exercised with the Communication Service of bocabronx, by sending your request to bocabronx - Communication Department - -.

Links to Third-Party Websites:

The Website may contain hyperlinks providing access to other websites edited and managed by third parties. bocabronx cannot be held directly or indirectly responsible in the event that these third-party sites do not comply with the legal and regulatory provisions, both French and European or global, in force or to come, as well as the consequences of this non-compliance.

Any external link to the website of a competitor in communication, web development, or web design is prohibited without the prior written consent of PAFilms Prods. PAFilms Prods reserves the right to demand the immediate removal of any link to the website of a competitor, without prejudice to any other available legal recourse.
In case of non-compliance with this clause, PAFilms Prods reserves the right to take appropriate legal measures to enforce this prohibition, including claiming damages for any harm suffered.
This clause is governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws in force in the country where PAFilms Prods is established ().


Subject to applicable regulatory provisions, you expressly acknowledge and agree that this Website is provided to you as is, accessible depending on its availability and without any express or implied warranty from bocabronx, that its use is at your own risk, under your full responsibility. bocabronx does not guarantee that the Website, the content, and products offered will perfectly meet your expectations. Any material downloaded and/or obtained, in any way, during the use of the Website is at your own risk. bocabronx will not be held responsible for damages or loss of data suffered by your computer. No advice or information, whether written or oral, obtained by you from bocabronx or during the use of the Website, is likely to create any warranty not expressly provided for in these conditions.

Limitation of Liability:

Subject to applicable legal or regulatory provisions, bocabronx cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage, including but not limited to loss of profits, customers, data, intangible assets, that may occur due to the use or inability to use the Website, and more generally any event related to the Website and/or any third-party site. In particular, the liability of bocabronx cannot be engaged in the event of total or partial hacking of the Website and the damage that such hacking could cause to you or to a third party.

Closure or Suspension of the Website:

bocabronx reserves the possibility, whenever it wishes, to modify, temporarily or permanently interrupt, all or part of the Website, without notice or any compensation. bocabronx cannot in any case be held responsible against you or against a third party for any modification, interruption, or suspension of the Website..

Various Provisions:

If any provision of these Terms of Use is declared null or unenforceable pursuant to a law, regulation, or final court decision, it shall be deemed unwritten, and the other provisions shall remain in force.

The contractual relationship between the Editor and the User is governed solely by the provisions of these Terms of Use.